Our Building Project

Our Building Project

The Oaks Project:

Redeveloping and renewing St Peter’s

Shared Church buildings

 If you would like to know of anymore upcoming events,  or receive our general update newsletters regarding this project, you can join the Oaks Project email list here.

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How can you help?

It would really help if you 'liked' our project on Your Fund Surrey to show that the community supports this venture. By clicking on the link below you’ll be taken to their “commonplace” map. On the right hand side you’ll see a text description of our proposed project.

 Click here to go to our project on Your Fund Surrey!

Surrey County Council want people to “like” these summary text descriptions to get an idea of how much community support there is. As we’re about to start talking to them, it would be good to get this done beforehand....


Here’s how to do it:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the text description on the right, click on thumb/pink agree button.
  2. You will then be prompted to enter your email.
  3. You will then be sent an email to that address; once you click the link in the email they send to you, your like will be registered.

On Saturday 26th June we held a workshop to discuss the future of our building: what we want to keep, what could be updated and who we need to think about while doing all of this. The workshop was open to the whole community and we had a good turnout that represented a number of different groups within this community. Below is  a summary of the points we came out with.

The group agreed that the current building is:

  • Well located, but in need of development to better serve our community.
  • Confusing to access, and needs to be upgraded and improved.
  • Located in a superb location fronting Bellfield’s green and, whilst used by the wider community, their existing issues inhibit the sites true potential.

Recognising these issues, St Peter’s Shared Church commissioned a local architect (Lytle Associates) to design a new scheme. This is now being taken through Guildford Borough Council planning.

The new design envisages a collection of quality flexible spaces, easily navigable and accessible, that have the potential for multiple community uses.

The group then discussed how we should use these new buildings, so we know what we need from an improved building. Below are some examples of where we took research and inspiration from, to understand what our community needs and how best we can provide this with our building.

  • The results from the recent Stoke residents survey.

• Surrey County Council’s “joint strategic needs assessment”.

• Surrey Police crime data.

• Census data from 2011.

• Gathering feedback from existing and previous hall hirers.

•What issues are important to potential funding agencies.

… and what is important to us

From the above we identified priority issues and some projects to address them.

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